Meeting Information
Monday, 6:30 pm
- Online
- Families Friends and Observers Welcome
Open to anyone interested in the family disease of alcoholism. Some groups invite members of the professional community to hear how the Al-Anon program aids in recovery.
Join Zoom Meeting
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84205476334?pwd=VCt5OXlhZitiMlVIRW5lTW5zaWF3UT09Meeting ID: 842 0547 6334
Passcode: 996894Enter through door marked "Church Office" and go to the end of the hall. Main Church
Online Meeting
Join with ZoomPasscode: 996894
Updated October 27, 2021
Presbyterian Church of Bloomingdale
1 other meeting at this location
710 E Bloomingdale Ave
Brandon, FL 33511
Brandon / Valrico